Friday, January 20, 2012

The Tom Brady secret to dental hygiene

I know, you really weren’t expecting to see Tom Brady and dental hygiene in the same sentence but I can’t help it – I love watching Brady and the Patriots play. Seeing them blow out Tim Teabow and the Broncos got me thinking about the lessons Brady embodies and how you could use them to win at taking care of your teeth.

Brady is a superstar now, but remember that he was drafted in the 6th round! That’s almost insulting. The scouts weren’t confident about his abilities; his college athletic performance wasn’t amazing. And then he stepped in during his second year and the Patriots won the Superbowl.

That’s lesson #1: you can step up to opportunities even if you’re a late bloomer and others don’t have a lot of confidence in you. Some of my patients come in apologizing that they haven’t taken better care of their teeth and gums. Okay, maybe you missed the first six draft rounds of dental hygiene – you’re not out of the game. I’ve seen patients turn around the health of their mouth in a matter of months just by adding a few minutes a day to their routine. There are few arenas in life where a couple minutes can make such a big difference.

When Brady had a chance to step into the pro quarterback role, he took full advantage of the opportunity he got. He was average in terms of athleticism in the NFL, but he made good plays and the more good plays he made, the more confidence he gained. Maybe you don’t have superior dental ability, maybe you have an average mouth or even a challenging mouth, but starting with a few good plays can help you build confidence.

And there’s one more piece about Brady’s success that I have to include here: he was on the right team. He had a team that rallied with him, listened to him and helped him grow into the leader he could become. Your mouth needs that kind of team. Lesson #2 is: pick a dental office who helps build your confidence and works out winning plays with you. Work with your dentist to lay your milestones and attack your dental hygiene cerebrally, like Brady does a football game. You can even keep score by asking your dentist to share the metrics he or she tracks, such as gum pocket depth and cavities.

It’s never too late to step up and become the superstar quarterback of your mouth. Those teeth are counting on you!
Go Pats!