Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Breaking Bad Brushing Habits

Brushing your teeth is something you (hopefully!) do every day, twice a day, which means the habit can become so ingrained in our daily routine, that it can be easy to just go through the motions and get sloppy, which can lead to poor brushing habits. And you guessed it! That leads to cavities, gum disease, and a host of other oral health problems that Krengel Dental tries to protect you against.
Here are some common bad brushing habits and how you can break them:

1. Not brushing long enough. Most people bush their teeth for only a minute, but experts say you need at least two minutes to eliminate the entire bacterial film in your mouth. Nowadays many electric toothbrushes are timed. To ensure you are getting to two minutes, time yourself. You may need two cycles of the automatic setting.
2. Only Paying Attention to One Side Right -handed people tend to clean the right side of their teeth better and left handers the left side. Make sure you are giving equal attention to both sides no matter which hand you brush with. And don’t ignore the gum line because that’s where the most tartar and plaque buildup.
3. Using a side-to-side motion. A side-to-side or sawing motion can actually hurt the enamel of your teeth. Instead, use a circular motion.
4. Being too aggressive. Be gentle but energetic while brushing. Having a heavy hand can again damage the enamel or irritate your gums.
5. Using the wrong toothbrush. You should use a toothbrush with soft bristles with a head that fits into your mouth and can reach back to those hard-to-reach places. Having a toothbrush that is the right size and with a comfortable handle will make you more likely to use your toothbrush regularly and use it properly.

With these helpful tips, we know you’ll be better equipped to tackle that plaque and protect your teeth! Visit West Bloomington’s Kengel Dental if you need a refresher on how to brush. We’re glad to give you a few pointers! 

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