Wednesday, January 23, 2013

10 Best Toothbrush Practices

1. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush. Toothbrushes with soft bristles are the safest and most comfortable choice. Medium and hard bristled brushes can actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective tooth enamel.
2. Change your toothbrush every three months. If the bristles are frayed, change it sooner. A new toothbrush removes more plaque than a worn out one.
3. Replace your toothbrush after recovering from a cold, virus, or the flu. These viruses can survive for many days on a toothbrush and can prevent you from getting better.
4. Keep your toothbrush away from the toilet. You most likely store your toothbrush in your bathroom, right? Be careful where your store it in proximity to the toilet because when you flush your toilet it tosses up bacteria that can land on and infect your toothbrush.
5. Use a toothbrush with a small head. That way it can reach all of the corners of your mouth so you don’t miss a spot when brushing!
6. Let your toothbrush dry after every use. Toothbrushes can house up to 10 million different forms of bacteria and germs, most of which are harmless. These germs need moisture to survive so if you don’t let your toothbrush dry in between uses, you’re just putting old bacteria back into your mouth. 
7. Brush for at least two minutes. This is what dentists recommend and most people fall short. Take the extra time and brush for a full two to three minutes to ensure a healthy mouth!
8. Don’t cover your toothbrush. Covering your toothbrush or storing it in a closed container creates a moist environment, allowing bacteria to grow more easily.
9. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Or after every meal!
10. Clean your toothbrush. Make sure you rinse your toothbrush of any leftover toothpaste or debris after each use. You can even dip it in alcohol or mouthwash to rinse away germs. 

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