Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Benefits of a Healthy Mouth

Oral health is essential to overall health. If you brush your teeth, floss and visit the dentist, regularly you are going to see the benefits in other areas of your life and body as well. Here are five reasons why it pays to take care of your mouth:

Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease
study found that people who never or rarely brush their teeth are 70% more likely to suffer heart disease as those who brush twice a day. In fact, bushing your teeth at least twice a day greatly decreases your chances of a stroke and heart attack! Also, regular brushing and flossing reduces your risk of gum disease, which is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults and a major precursor to heart disease.

Preserve Your Memory
A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported that people who did not brush their teeth on a regular basis had a 65 percent greater chance of developing dementia, compared to those who did brush. Don’t forget to brush your teeth otherwise you may forget a lot more than that!

Maintain A Healthy Weight
Brushing your teeth sends a signal to your brain that mealtime is over. If you brush your teeth after every meal, you’ll be less likely to continue eating or snacking and can thus maintain a healthy weight.

Prevent Respiratory Disease
As you breathe, you inhale bacteria, which form on the surface of your teeth and make their way into your lungs and respiratory tract, wreaking havoc along the way. A 2006 study found that by brushing, you are getting rid of that bacteria and therefore decreasing your risk of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (See 1 below) 

Boost Your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
When you are self-confident, feel good about yourself, and are happy, you probably want to smile. If you have a healthy smile, you won't be embarrassed to show those pearly whites and your confidence will shine. But if your teeth are stained, crooked, chipped, or dirty, you might feel like keeping your mouth closed.  A dentist can check for and treat cavities and other dental health problems and can even do cosmetic dental work to improve the appearance of your teeth, such as whitening your teeth, implants, facial rejuvenation, and cosmetic and restorative dentistry.

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