Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Food & Drinks That Are Bad For Your Teeth

Soft Drinks

You probably think that soft drinks are on this list because of the sugar they contain. Actually, it’s the high acid content. The corrosive acids in soft drinks- diet or not- strip away the enamel on your teeth.
Interestingly, clear, citrus-flavored bubbly beverages dissolve enamel two to five times more than darker sods.

Sour Candy

Can’t resist that bag of Sour Patch Kids when you go to the movies? You might want to rethink your candy choice. Sour candies have a different kind of acid compared to regular chewy candy or hard candy that can create deeper craters in your tooth enamel.

Tea & Coffee

That morning cup of Joe that gets you through the day could be wreaking havoc on your teeth. Tea and coffee permeate your tooth enamel, causing your teeth to develop brown stains. If you drink coffee and tea regularly, you might want to think about whitening solutions or brushing your teeth after each cup.


It seems carbs aren’t just bad for your waistline. Foods that contain sugars and starches, aka carbohydrates, fuel the bacteria in your mouth which produce the acid that destroys you tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay, cavities, and a multitude of other problems.


-Drink water regularly throughout the day to wash away bacteria-producing food to prevent decay.
-Chew sugarless gum. Not only will it curb your sweet tooth cravings but it will increase your saliva production which helps wash away acids that can harm your tooth enamel.

1 comment:

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